Thursday, 21 June 2012

The Celtic supporters statement

Obviously when the Celtic Supporters statement signalling the intent to boycott any club's ground who voted yes to Newco was released there would automatically be a discussion on FF about it. Well here it is.

A post on 19.06.12 at 18.41 called 'scum supporters association statement' says -

Basically saying any club that votes us back in they will boycott, is it not
   going to be a secret vote anyway, scumbags

**Who wrote it.. Joe the bigot who wished death on Protestant people

We should Boycott everything that is under the smeltic umbrella.
   Start with not paying council tax cause glasgow city council is full of these

I wouldn't expect anything different.
   No doubt he is one of the Green Brigade and if I had my way these terrorist
   loving scum wouldn't even be allowed to breathe the same air as normal

Normal people being, Manchester destroying, Nazi saluting, tax dodging scumbo's like yourself Billy?

**Why do they never boycott breathing?**

**Here's a question for all you lurking supporters of other teams.  
Do you or why would you want scum supporters like those,who sing about
the ira,hate all things British and wave a flag of another country in your
   grounds,the same flags the ira use...
   Well do you and if you do your just as bad them.**

**Feck Them all.What are these Paedos gonni talk about when we are in Div
   3,maybe the money they save by boycotts can help pay the debts of for
   their Bankrupt Mother land

**Im even getting to the stage of giving my old firm ticket up for Ibrox, I think
   the next time im in a stadium with them child molesting terrorist bastards
   that I will be coming out in handcuffs.
   Just not worth it. I couldnt keep the head
   Its bad enough trying to bite my tounge in at work with them

Calm down Billiam, there isn't an Old Firm, the Old Firm died when Rangers* died so you don't have to worry about these games anymore. Now away you go back to playing your flute and banging your drum.

FFF Admin

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