Tuesday 10 April 2012

Everyone is against them

Is everyone out to get Rangers? The club and the fans. Are they being targeted? A post from 08.04.12 at 17.16 called 'bear arrested from train' gets them going -

train from glasgow las tnight had scum fans on , they got on at kilmarnock , they
 were singing there ira crap and a dumfries bear called them fe**an bas*tards , the
 ticket collector who has previous for reporting bears for singing the sash on a train a
 couple of months ago and getting them arrested at dumfries station , the ticket
 collector called the police and the dumfries bear was arrested at dumfries station by
 no less than 6 police officers including an inspector an 5 constables and he was
 taken away in handcuffs , the scum fans were never even spoken to , the police are
 just dying to use salmonds new laws on gers fans

So Billy? Are you condoning your fellow bears actions then?

What do the rest of the loyal think -

If this ticket collector is known to bears, surely he should be ID'd and reported. He
 sounds like someone who doesn't hide his 'persuasion', so it should be fairly easy to
 prove he is abusing his position to persucate Rangers fans while turning a blind eye
 to those of his own ilk.
I'm getting heartily sick of individuals feeling they have the authority to decide what is
 and isn't 'offensive' just because they happen to have a uniform or high vis jacket on.

*Welcome to the republic of scotland

*This is now the country that we live in, shambles

*This is becoming typical and if anything shows the discrimination and bias against
 us and we get it from supposed areas of responsibilty whether within the police,
 disgusting blatant press or little conductors with selective hearing, it appears this law
 has been made specifically against one part of selected society! No guesses there.
 One day this selective hearing is going to cause a riot imho!

*Im totally stumped, our country is a fookin joke

Watch out all you Billy's and Billyettes. Everyone is out to get you.

FFF Admin

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